Lt. Col. John
Glenn Jr. becomes the first American in orbit when he circles the earth three times in the
Mercury capsule Friendship 7.
The U.S. spacecraft
Ranger 3 goes off course, missing the moon by 20,000 miles and Ranger 4 crashes on the
moon's dark side.
the first telecommunications
satellite, is put into orbit
and the its signals
are beamed from the US to France.
The spacecraft
Mariner II is launched towards Venus,
sends back the 1st close-up pictures of the planet and reveals the existence of solar
launches the first unmanned spacecraft to
Sun, Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn within 16º.
Cuban Missile Crisis occurs when Soviet offensive missile build-up is
discovered. Crisis averted when President Kennedy and Soviet Premier Krushchev reach an agreement to remove missiles.
Western Samoa,
Algeria and Trinidad
and Tobago become independent.
The US
commitment to Vietnam grows as troop strength increases
to 8,000 men and US begins spraying foliage in Vietnam with Agent
Orange to reveal Viet
Cong guerrillas. Us
troops also sent to Thailand and Laos.

The World's Fair is held
in Seattle, WA.
Construction begins on
the twin towers of the
World Trade Center.
On July 2, 1962, Sam
Walton at the age of 44, opened his first Wal-Mart store, in Rogers, Ark.
Polaroid introduces color film prints which develop in 60 seconds.
Texas computer salesman H. Ross Perot forms a computer company called
Electronic Data Systems (EDS)
K-Mart opens.
1st VISA card introduced
In Great Britain the
Atlas computer
at the University of Manchester (the first machine to use virtual memory and
paging) became operational.
Engelbart invents the mouse pointing device for computers.
"On-Line Man Computer Communications" written by J.Licklider
& W.Clark dealt with Galactic Network concept encompassing
distributed social interactions (source: Hobbes'
Internet Timeline)
The first industrial
robots are produced by Unimation. IBM launches SABRE,
the first commercial network which is installed at American Airlines to
facilitate its reservation process connecting 1000 tellers into the

The drug thalidomide is recalled when it becomes linked with severe birth defects in
thousands of children worldwide.
The first
reattachment of a human limb is performed at Massachusetts General
James D. Watson (US),
Maurice H. F. Wilkins, and Francis H. C. Crick
(both UK), win Nobel Science Prize in Physiology
or Medicine for determining structure of
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).
US GDP (1998 dollars): $585.2
billion; Federal spending: $106.82 billion; Federal debt: $302.9 billion
Consumer Price Index: 30.2;
Unemployment: 6.7%; Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.04; US Population: 186,537,737
Powers is released in exchange for a Russian spy.
Eichmann is executed for Nazi war crimes.
Pauling wins the Nobel
Peace Prize for his campaign against atmospheric
nuclear testing.
H. Meredith, escorted by federal marshals,
registers at University
of Mississippi.
Faulkner, Ernie
Kovacs, Eleanor
Roosevelt die.
Edward M
Kennedy 1st elected Senator (D-MA)

MLB: New York Yankees
NFL: Green Bay Packers
NBA: Boston Celtics
NHL: Toronto Maple Leafs
NCAA-Basketball: Cincinnati
World Cup: Brazil
KY Derby: Decidedly
U.S. Golf Open: Jack Nicklaus
US Women's Golf Open: Murie Lindstrom
U.S. Open Tennis (Men): Rod Laver
U.S. Open Tennis (Women): Margaret Smith
Sonny Liston beats Floyd
Patterson to become World Heavyweight Boxing Champion
Ground is broken for the Houston Astrodome
Mickey Mantle hits his 379th HR
Robinson 1st Black elected to Baseball Hall of Fame
Hank Aaron
hits 500th HR