Luna 9 makes 1st soft landing on moon; Luna 10 is 1st lunar
orbiter. US
launches Surveyor 1 to moon which also makes soft landing. 1st
Pacific communications satellite (Intelsat) launched. 1st
operational weather satellite - ESSA-1
(US) is launched.
B-52 carrying 4 unarmed hydrogen bombs crashes off coast of Spain.
9 launched - 7th US 2-man flight (Stafford/Cernan). US
& USSR sign treaty to ban nuclear weapons in outer space.

troop strength in Viet
Nam at 200,000 in January reaches 400,000 by December; at least 500 US soldiers "Missing in Action"
for the year; war extends into Cambodia and US begins bombing of
Hanoi. Buddhists
begin setting themselves on fire to protest war in Viet Nam. Indira
Gandhi becomes prime minister of India.
Lesotho, Guyana
Barbados become
independent. Cultural
Revolution begins in China.
Sukarno is ousted from Indonesia; Suharto forms new government.

Reagan elected Governor of California.
Brooke (MA) becomes 1st Black US Senator. 1st
Black selected to Presidential cabinet - Robert Weaver (HUD). Supreme
Court decides Miranda v. Arizona protecting rights of accused. LBJ
signs Freedom of Information Act.
1st required to carry health warning. Medicare
goes in effect. Insulin
1st synthesized in China. MIT
biochemist Har Khorana finishes deciphering DNA code. 400
die from respiratory failure & heart attack due to smog in
NYC. Snowstorm
in northeast kills 165. Timothy
Leary arrested on drug charges and LSD is declared illegal in the US.

US GDP (1998 dollars):
billion; Federal spending: $134.53 billion; Federal debt: $328.5 billion;
Consumer Price Index: 32.4;
Unemployment: 4.5%; Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.05; US Population:
196,560,338; Dow-Jones: 995.
direct-dial (non operator-assisted) international phone call. Racial
riots erupt in Watts (Los Angeles), Omaha, Cleveland, Chicago and Atlanta. 25,000
anti-war demonstrators march in NYC. National
Organization for Women (NOW) formed. Fuel
injection for cars invented. Xerox
introduced Magnafax Telecopier that could transmit a letter in 6

MLB: Baltimore Orioles
NFL: Green Bay Packers
NBA: Boston Celtics
NHL: Montreal Canadiens
NCAA-Basketball: Texas Western
NCAA Football: Notre Dame
World Cup: England
KY Derby: Kauia King
Female Figure Skating: Peggy Fleming
Wimbleton: Billie Jean King; Manuel Santana
die in fight at soccer game in Peru.
Muhammad Ali TKOs Henry Cooper
to become World Heavyweight Boxing Champion
Roberta Bignay 1st woman to run in Boston marathon. Willie Mays hits 512th homerun.
Wilt Chamberlain breaks NBA career scoring at 20,884 points.