CENSUSES OF LAKE VIEW in 1930 and 1940

List of Names in 1930 Census of the Lake View Area
(Census printouts for 1930 provided by Gary Pericak)
Ahr Chilson Green Karaga McGary Prentiss Sobugin
Ahrens Columbo Grobarek Karkus McNulty Przybyl Spittler
Almendinger Corey Grohman Kelleher Meyer Pursel Stadler
Ames Covington Groves Kelm Meyn Quandt Staffehl
Arp Cowel Haak/Haake Keney Michlak Rauch Steffen
Augrum Crammer Hardy Kennedy Mietle Reed Stephen
Austin Crane Hauber Kehren Mingoia Rickle Stewart
Bahun Davidson Hazen Kersch Moon Rooth Struts
Bailey Dean Heck Kielar Morlock Rubeck Swartz
Bakwell Dilliott Heffner Klispic Mulby Russ Swift
Ballard Dubbert Heiderman Knopich Murjahn Ryan Szyminski
Baszczynski Ebel Heil Koester Nickelson Schardt Taber
Beavis Ebert Held Koren Nowak Schiedel Thompson
Betts Eckert Heltz Kullman Odell Schmidt Toomey
Blackman Ellis Herdel Kuspka Ograburg Schneider Townsend
Boseck Enders Hess Kylie Olson Schnopuch Trinder
Bridinbake Everett Hise Lager Orts Schoellkopf Varga
Brocksopp Eyr Hoefler Langbein Patrikus Schoetz Volrath
Brudo Famulro Holl Lee Paul Selberin Warden
Bugenhagen Farrell Hornes LeMay Petch Sephrens Welsted
Bugsby Ferro Hoss Lescher Petrie Shagott West
Bullied Fierle Hoth Lipswig Pettingill Shanks Wetter
Burham Finch Hubbard Lorenz Pettit Shero Wohlschlagel
Burke Flanders Hulz Ludwig Pickens Siewert Wolinski
Burrows Flavin Hummel Lunetta Pierce Slotman Woolley
Bush Foster Hutka Manley Pokenham Smith Wrigley
Calerman Friscic Jaborski Mayer Poppenberg Snyder Wurzer
Cerefin Garnie Johnson McAllister Potopchuk Sobetzer Ziegelhofer
  Giger Jones McDonald Potter  


(for Lake View Rd., Versailles Rd., Center St., Burke Rd., and parts of North Creek Rd.)
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