A long and useful life has
ended in the passing of Mrs. Esther Palmer, widow of the late Elbridge
Palmer, for many years prominent in the business and civic affairs of
this community, whose death occurred last week Feb. 5, (1930) at her
home on Post St., in the village of Boonville, NY. Mrs. Palmer was 91
years old, one of Boonville's oldest residents, her entire life spent in
the village and vicinity. Her death is the cause of deep regret and
sorrow among relatives and a large circle of friends by whom she was
held in highest esteem and affection.
Esther Avery was born Jan. 16, 1839 in that settlement known as
Pasadena, near Boonville, the daughter of the late Jonathan and Mary
Avery. She was married Oct. 3, 1867 to Elbridge G. Palmer whose death
occurred 18 years ago. Mr. Palmer was one of Boonville's best known
citizens, having been long engaged in business here and the town for
several years its supervisor.
She was a member of the Baptist church and sang in the choir for many
years. Mrs. Palmer leaves to mourn her loss, 2 sons, Elwin and Ernest,
who conduct a hardware establishment in this village under the firm name
Palmer Bros. She also leaves the following grandchildren: Gerry, Ramon,
Vera, Clyde, Gerald, Roderic.
From Boonville Herald 2/13/1930
The above news
article was supplied by Janet Palmer Fentress,
a descendant of Mrs. E. G. (Esther) Palmer. See

Mrs. E. G. Palmer
Born in Leyden Hill, January 16, 1839, Died in Boonville February 5,
Mrs. E. G. Palmer, who died February 5th at her home in Boonville was
the daughter of Jonathan and Mary Avery and was born in Leyden Hill
January 16, 1839. She was the last of a family of 13 children. She
taught school for several years and in 1867 was united in marriage to
Elbridge G. Palmer who died about 18 years ago. Mrs. Palmer was a member
of the Baptist Church and the Woman's Missionary Society, and when her
health permitted took an active interest in all church work. On her 91st
birthday, a few weeks ago, the Junior Choir of the Baptist Church
visited her and directed by Clifford T. Kingsbury rendered several
selections which she greatly enjoyed. Of her four children, two sons
survive: Ernest A. and Elwin B. Palmer of Boonville. Funeral services
were held Saturday.
(from The Journal and
Republican Lowville, NY February 13, 1930)