Death of
Miss Pearl
Not Unexpected but Brings Sadness
to Many Friends
Boonville, NY
- March 2, 1915 - Deep regret is expressed
on every hand tonight at the death of Miss Pearl Ward, which occurred
this afternoon at her home in Boonville. Miss Ward was one of the
young ladies whom to know was to love. She was educated and graduated
from the Boonville High School and had been engaged in teaching for
several years. Of a quiet disposition, she was greatly attached to
home and friends and made warm friends of all who came in contact
with her. She had been in poor health for a long time and her death
was not unexpected. She is survived by her mother, Mrs. Charles Ward
and two brothers, Earl of Syracuse and Robert of Boonville, who have
the sympathy of all.
In a letter written
shortly after Pearl's death, Earl Ward writes of his feelings at losing his sister... "The dear girl had TB only about 10 months at the most. A
certain doctor said he never saw anyone go more rapidly with this given ailment. Of
course I was very closely attached to Pearl. She always played with me for there
were only we two children until my kid brother Robert, now 14, came. She used to
ride horseback with me, go strawberry picking in the fields about Boonville. She
would even go fishing with me. We went to Sunday School, church and socials
together - we were almost inseparable. So naturally I miss her every minute.
She was engaged to be married in June - and all thru her
sickness she never once thought but that she would recover and continued to plan with her
Aunts and Uncles in Canada for her wedding trip. Mother said it was crushingly sad
to hear her tell of what she was going to do when she was married - of the places she
would visit."

Clipping from Boonvile
Herald - 3/2/15