Spittler's Grocery Store - est. 1904

Spittler's General Store c. 1919
From left: Eddie Siefert, Mrs. John Kinn, Rachel Ahrens Brudo,
George Spittler (owner), Louise Kinn, Charles Thompson.
(photo provided by Donald Spittler)
Spittler's Meat Wagon in Hamburg's Sesquicentennial 1962

Charles "Sox" Spittler pumping gas in front of Spittler's Grocery Store (c.1931)
Read George W. Spittler's message to the troops in WWII newsletter.  
(photo provided by Donald Spittler)

The following article appeared in The (Hamburg) Sun on 7/24/08. 
It should be noted that all info in this article is available on this website, 
including Ray Healy's "History of Lake View", info about Gatling Land Boom, photo of inside bicycle factory,
Spittler Family History and Eulogy to G.W.Spittler, written by his son Donald.

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